This post is inspired by Chieftain's numerous articles on 'podcasts'
For more info, visit Chieftain's blog*
these couple of days I downloaded Apple iTunes, for listening to Podcasting.
What is podcasting? For computer and tech geeks this is by no means a new word.
And I thought it to be known by many. However, as I queried people around me, I realized not too many people knew this.
"Podcasting" is a portmanteau word, consisting of the words "broadcasting" and "iPod."
This is quite misleading, I must say, cuz the very first question that pops into people's head is: "Do I have to buy an iPod to listen to podcasting?"
"No, definitely not."
"Then why is it called "pod"casting anyway?"
"Dunno, cuz many many people own an ipod?"
Podcasting is a way of publishing audio programs via the Internet.
The way it is different from other type of online media is that, you use a podcatcher, such as Apple's iTunes, to subscribe to certain programs, and the programs will be delivered to your computer, in mp3 format.
Whenever there's an update, the program is delivered to you.
This is quite convenience for me, since I wont have to worry about missing your favorite programs.
And I could listen to them anytime I like.
"Okay, sounds quite nice, but how to use it, exactly?"
1. Go to and download "iTunes 5.0"
2. Install it, and you're done!!... almost.
3. Launch the program and you will find "Podcast" in the 'Music Store" on the left of iTunes.
4. Click on it and you'll be guided to a podcast directory.
5. Choose any program you like, and click on subscribe.
6. There you go~
Besides subscribing from iTunes' music store, you could also subscribe to the radio programs manually by keying in the rss html.
in iTunes, click on "Advance"進階" ->Subscribe Podcast訂閱podcast->Enter the url-> And you're done!!
If you like news programs, visit herefor a list of programs.
In this site, podcasts are categorized in "top 25 podcasts" "top rated podcasts"...
Below is a list of programs that I subscribe currently:
*The Naked Scientists Science Radio Show:
*United Kingdom Talk
*From Our Own Correspondent
And many other in the "music store" top subscribed podcasts
*this Week in TECH
*Answer Bitch
*English as a Second Language Podcast
*NPR: Movies
....and many more
The reason why I start listening to podcasting is mainly because I find it a great way to sharpen my English listening skills. Hope this works.
- Sep 27 Tue 2005 22:41
Podcasting, hmn...great