Have you ever had similar experience like this?
You're taking a nap, but you couldn't really fall deep asleep. And you keep having this weird dreams. Strange scenarios, unusual dialogues, and peculiar characters in unreal settings.
This afternoon, I dreamt about this now-it's-still-haunting-me girl.
My hands still tremble as I sit here typing the story.
It was in summer, just two months before the oral defence of my thesis. Sleeping alone in my room one humid night, I woke to the sounds of elevator outside my door opening. Then came teen girls' wild laughters. "Sh..t, what time is it, exactly? These gals never sleep?" I grumbled. I hate to be woken up, cuz it makes it even harder to fall back to sleep.
So I sat there on my bed for like two minutes, my mouth still cursing those assholes when I heard this muffled crying...from...the closet? Female crying from inside the closet? No, impossible. It must be that I'm half-awake, I tried to convince myself.
In vain. Well, damn it, instead of fading away, the muffled crying became clearer, discontinuously. No way, is it because I watched too many scary movies that I actually become illusional?
Not knowing how to handle this, I covered myself with my safety blanket. Really hoping it could provide some safety this time. "Please..pretty please..." I prayed...and prayed.
Well, nine times out of ten, things don't go as expected. What I heard next was the closet doors creaks. Gathering all my might and courage, I removed my safety blanket. Sigh...I shouldn't have done that. Cuz what appeared in front of my very eyes was...
A wowan crawling out of the closet. What was even more terrifying was that...when I took a closer look at her face, she...was.....faceless. The only thing that I could tell she was a "she" was the smudged makeup on that pale white face. And her face was tear-stained..
I wanted to get away but my legs were like numb, and I seemed to lose all my strength, even to scream or something. So all that I did was sit on my bedside and watched her crawl nearer and nearer. Before her blood-stained hand could touch my face, the phone rang..and I was saved.
- May 08 Sun 2005 01:03
Tears that stained her faceless face