
The methodology proposed by Mona Baker, aims to unveil the universal features
of translated texts.
The universal features that I talked about earlier, which are simplification, explicitation, and normalization.

Simplification: In the process of translating/interpreting, the translator/interpreting uses short sentences to
replace long sentences in the original text, breaking up long sentences into
several short sentences. Complicated sentence structure are rendered

Explicitation: Clear cohesion makers in translated texts. In
translating, the translator adds cohesion markers which are absent in the
original, making the original implicit messages explicit. Addition of modifiers; expansion of condensed messages. Or a whole added paragraph to fill the cultural
gap(explaining terms that are missing in target texts.)

Also refered to as conventionalization. Incomplete sentences in the source text are completed and clumsy or idiosyncratic sentence structures are replaced by easier syntax. Or adapatation of Chinese names, for instance, translate Mary and Michelle as 阿珠與阿花; This is to make the text more readable, so translated
eliminated the foreignness in the source text.

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